Welcome to RecruitsPortal.com. This Billing Policy outlines the terms and conditions related to the usage fees for our services. By using our platform, you agree to comply with the terms outlined in this policy.

1. Subscription Plans:

  • RecruitsPortal.com offers various subscription plans with different features and pricing.
  • Users can choose a plan that suits their needs, and the fees associated with each plan will be clearly communicated during the subscription process.

2. Payment Processing:

  • Payment for subscription plans is processed securely through our authorized payment gateway.
  • Users must provide accurate billing information, and failure to do so may result in the suspension of services.

3. Free Trial:

  • RecruitsPortal.com may offer a free trial period for certain subscription plans.
  • Users are required to provide payment details to access the trial, and the subscription will automatically convert to a paid plan at the end of the trial period unless canceled.

4. Renewals:

  • Subscriptions are set to automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle.
  • Users will be notified in advance of upcoming renewals, and they have the option to cancel their subscription before the renewal date.

5. Refunds:

  • Refunds are not provided for subscription fees, except in cases where RecruitsPortal.com fails to deliver the subscribed services as outlined in the terms.

6. Cancellation:

  • Users can cancel their subscription at any time through their account settings.
  • Cancellations will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle.

7. Changes to Fees:

  • RecruitsPortal.com reserves the right to change subscription fees and features with prior notice to users.

8. Non-Payment:

  • Failure to pay subscription fees may result in the suspension or termination of services.

9. Contact Information:

  • For billing inquiries, contact us at billing@recruitsportal.com.

By using RecruitsPortal.com, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this Billing Policy.

Date Updated: 28 January 2024